How do I calculate the number of rooms in my home?
Mathilde avatar
Écrit par Mathilde
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

To properly protect your home, you must declare the right number of "living rooms" in your contract.

The rooms that must be declared are the ones:

  • Where you can gather with family, friends, etc.

  • With a ceiling height of at least 1.80 m

  • Partitioned by walls

👉 These are all your the room where you live your daily life, and have long activities: your living room, your dining room, your bedroom, your office, your veranda where you have breakfast, etc.

No need to take into account the "utilitarian rooms", like your kitchen, your bathroom, your toilet, your dressing room or your balcony. These parts are automatically accounted for by your insurer.

✍️ Note that these conditions are specific to each insurance

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